December 10, 2008

Orchard beginnings....

For delectable fruits, we managed the task of planting 12 fruit trees in one paddock alone.  They include plums, apricots, apples, nashi pear, pluots (plum x apricot), peaches, cherries and, nectarines. 

The Orchard, before shot

Orchard 'before' shot, looking west.  The next yard is part of the chicken run.

Orchard preparation

Digging into a soil that has many pieces of gravel, some large rocks (crow bar required for excavation) and a very shallow (10-12 cm) layer of topsoil, means extra physical preparation.

Orchard Post Planting

The girls inspecting the finished works.  Photo out to 'Telstra Point' (SE).


Photo through the orchard (S).


This dwarf peach finally finds a decent home.  It's survived being uprooted about 5 times and living in less than ideal (very shaded) conditions.  Now it gets all the sun it could possibly need.  It is even carrying 3 fruits.  When once, in Sydney, it carried 2 fruits they were snatched by a rat just as they turned colour ready for picking.


With help....planting of Persimmon 'Nightingale'.

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