December 24, 2008

Vegetable Garden

The vegetable garden is of great interest - it's the first that I've ever truly had.  

There was a small patch already in situ.  It was heavily overgrown with a variety of plants, largely grasses.  When I tore them out and placed them in a pile to compost, it didn't really do anything for all of the seeds that were left behind.  We did try putting the chooks in there for a wee while but they didn't like being caught twice a day for that purpose.  So, for now, I just weed and eventually the seedbank should decline.

Vege garden preparation

The soil is not so dark.....much yet to be done.  


First planted out.  A trial run, really, dealing, too, with frost (I like, as you can see, using commas).  
Those beds are too small and it's difficult to get around them....


They grow quickly, n'est pas?  Bottom left: carrots, beetroot, onions, leeks.  Top left: broccoli, kohl rabi.  Top right: peas, swiss chard, broccoli.  Bottom right: leftovers (this bed becomes the tomato bed).


Another view.  Notice the bed along the fence in the background....this becomes the sunflower patch (post tomorrow, I hope).


Look at that!  Two months from first planting....

There's still much to learn.  For example - did the broccoli not taste so good because it went in at the wrong time?  And, there's so much more improvement of the soil required PLUS the addition of perhaps 4 times as much space as this.  

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